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News — Horse Rehabilitation

Speed up Rehabilitation through Equine Pilates™ and Reduce Future Injures

Amanda Griffiths Equine Pilates Horse Rehabilitation kissing Spine Pilates for horses

Speed up Rehabilitation through Equine Pilates™ and Reduce Future Injures

How does it do this? Through strengthening the core, improving overall flexibility and creating strong, lean muscles. It Fixes Muscular Imbalances Equine Pilates™ addresses muscular imbalances which can often be the cause of injuries. It does this through a focus on unilateral movements. In basic terms, it means exercises which work one side at a time. Exercising in this way helps develop even muscles on both sides of the horse. When working with your horse you’ll identify imbalances in their body and posture, which through the various exercises and stretches, you’ll be able to work on them to correct discrepancies...

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