Injury Prevention
Horses can be susceptible to minor / major injuries, aches and pains. They have a natural asymmetry meaning they have a stronger and weaker side which can cause imbalances in the musculoskeletal system, which can manifest as difficulty with self-carriage, suppleness and balance. In other words, performance issues.
Many soft tissue issues are cumulative, they start as a minor problem such as a spasm or tear, which, if picked up early can be treated before they develop into a more significant problem. Early identification of any soft tissue abnormalities cannot be under-estimated, because horses working with a degree of discomfort will adapt their way of going to accommodate the discomfort. This can lead to further problems such as atrophy of the injured muscles and overuse of compensatory muscle groups. This may present to the rider can be loss of performance, behavioural issues or as physical issues.
Early identification, means subtle changes can be managed at an early stage to maintain the horse’s performance level. This becomes even more important when we consider minor muscle injuries take up to 90 days to become apparent, by which time a number of compensatory issues could have arisen.
Soft tissue and joint mobilisation therapy can target and release tension before any symptoms present, helping prevent any future problems. For this reason, incorporating regular soft tissue massage into your horse’s regular routine can be very beneficial.
Rehabilitation Support
Despite our best efforts sometimes injuries can’t be prevented, in these cases soft tissue massage can be very effective in supporting the rehabilitation and recovery process.
Research shows massage therapy significantly increases protraction of horse’s limbs (increases the stride length). Massage, as well as active and passive stretching increases circulation, relaxes muscle spasms, relieves tension, enhances muscle tone and increases range of motion resulting in improved equine performance.
Aids symmetry and straightness
Improved range of movement and freedom of movement
Improved co-ordination and body awareness
Improved strength and ability to perform
Improved technique – jumping and flatwork.
Stimulate circulatory and lymphatic systems. (accelerate cell renewal and tissue repair)
Reduce recovery time
Removal of lactic acid
Calms the nervous system
Muscle and Joint Benefits
Improve muscle and joint flexibility, muscle tone and suppleness.
Release muscle spasms.
Reduce the risk of muscle/soft tissue injury.
Improve atrophied muscles.
Calm hypertrophic muscles.
Warm muscles in preparation for work.
Reduce stiffness.
Relieve painful and arthritic joints.
Increase and maintain optimal range of movement in joints.
Helps prevent and repair adhesions.
Supports soft tissues and maintains muscle tone during box rest or restricted exercise.
Early identification of problem areas.
Manipulation of spinal joints helps horses with chronic back problems.